Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father's Day thoughts - a few days late

The morning of Father's day I was thinking. Father's Day and Mother's Day and other special days we celebrate are really nice days. But do we, as a people, make those days more special than any other day?
It is awesome to honor our dads and moms on those days. It is wonderful to honor our kids, and spouses and other family on their birthdays. It is a great thing to remember your anniversary and treat your spouse to something nice. But do we treat them better on those days than any other day of the year? Do we gear up for those special days and lay it all out and just go about the rest "ho-hum"?
I'm not saying we buy a gift everyday as if it were Father's day or Mother's Day or a birthday, but I am asking again, do we take the other days for granted.
Lets take it a little further. Do we honor Jesus only at Christmas? Do we remember his death only on Good Friday? Do we celebrate the resurrection only on Easter?
This blog isn't solely intended to discus when we think of Jesus (although it could - maybe should be). It is about honoring and loving those close to us EVERYDAY with the same enthusiasm and joy as if it were a birthday or a Father's or Mother's day. It is about showing Love to others, everyday.
I have asked before in the church, why does the church (I am thinking of the greater Church here) pretty much Celebrate Christmas at Christmas, Easter at Easter, etc. There is no Wrong day to celebrate the birth of Jesus. There is no Wrong day to remember Jesus' death. There is no Wrong day to get excited about Jesus' resurrection. There is no Wrong day to tell a dad Happy Father's Day. There is no wrong day to tell a mother Happy Mother's Day. There is no wrong day to tell someone Happy Birthday (even if their Birthday is months away). The point is, there is no Wrong day to tell people how important they are to you.
For the record, I had an awesome Father's Day. And I am blessed to have many wonderful days.

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