Thursday, June 23, 2011

Do You Ever Get To The Point...

That is a loaded question, but it actually isn't a question... (hence the ...) ...
That statement is sort of funny coming from me, because if it were a question, my answer to myself would be yes, but it takes a long time. I tend to talk (and sometimes write) in circles.
What I was originally getting to with this blog thought was possibly starting a "DO YOU EVER GET TO THE POINT..." series.

Like, DO YOU EVER GET TO THE POINT where the jokes you make about selling everything and moving to Mexico REALLY sounds like something you should do. The joking is almost gone, that reality is looking pretty good. Until you do it and get salmonella from the rotten chicken you bought at the 2 pesos DVD market.

I bet if you really think about it, you can come up some really good DO YOU EVER GET TO THE POINT... thoughts.

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