Saturday, July 23, 2011

""I tell you not seven times but seventy-seven times"

In my opinion, something society struggles with on a large scale is also something than will ruin society if it is not sincerely practiced.
It is a very complex, yet simple act. For some, it is easy at times and hard at times. For some it is easy all of the time. For some it is hard most of the time, but eventually it becomes easy. And for some, it is simply impossible.
I am talking about forgiveness.
For some getting over a big deal is easy while small thing eat at their heart and soul. For others the small things are easy to forgive but the huge things - well they can't do it.
This is a topic that has taken (a good thing) lots of valuable time and energy for many, many people. It is discussed often in circles and it is debated quite regularly.
How do you feel about Total forgiveness?
I'm not saying it is easy or will be easy. I'm not saying it doesn't or should not take time (in many cases). When the topic is brought up a countless number of emotions pour through our hearts like the blood pumping through our veins. Those same emotions pierce our soul and beg to be transformed into words.
This blog can be a huge one with lots of examples and discussion or it can be short and to the point. Right now I am just typing and I am not sure how long or short it will be.
If someone hurts your feelings or steals from you, how will you react?
What is someone kills someone close to you? On purpose or by accident.
What would we do? Surely it isn't easy in some cases, but the bottom line is - it is what we are supposed to do. I'm not saying hey this dude killed someone I love. the next day - hey man I forgive you. But their should come a time in your life after that act where you open up to God and feel what he wants you to feel. When that time comes, you can go to that person and genuinely forgive them. The loved one they killed is gone. Your hate and agony won't bring them back. (just another note - the person who does the act should serve whatever time the justice system decides - I don't want people to think I am saying they shouldn't pay for the crime. This isn't about the paying of it - it is about the forgiveness for it). The person receiving the forgiveness should also seek it out and be genuinely sorry for what they did. If they are not, then that my friend is between them and God. But we have to do our part and show and display true forgiveness.
I know this is a hard topic and I don't even know how I would react. I would like to think that I would find it in my heart to forgive and actually help someone.
Peter asked Jesus (see Matthew 18:21-22) How many times should he forgive someone? Seven time? Jesus said no, you should forgive your brother not seven times, but seventy-seven times (note: some translations say seventy times seven). Jesus died a brutal death. He died on that cross for you and for me. God sent his Son to die for us. If God is that loving and cares for us that much to send His only Son to die so our sins would be forgiven, shouldn't we follow God's teaching and practice forgiveness?
In a recent Bible study we looked at Matthew 16:19. Jesus was saying that he will give us the keys to the kingdom of Heaven ... A brother in the study (I don't name names in my Blogs unless I get prior approval) brought up an awesome thought. He said that there are two kinds of forgiveness. The human way and the divine way. The keys, Jesus speaks of unlocks the divine way. we also talked about that night the fact that if we do not forgive, we are basically tying ourselves up.
The fact is we must forgive and I base this on what Jesus says in Matthew 6: 12-15. And this my friends, is the true Bottom line, point blank, crystal clear instruction. Jesus tells us to forgive those as we have been forgiven. And he goes on to say (quoting from the NIV bible) "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."
If that doesn't say it, nothing else will. If you cant forgive, then God wont forgive you.
We saw a story on a CBS news show. This is a story of true forgiveness.
In Minneapolis a ladies son was shot to death over an argument at a party. the killer was 16. She ultimately forgave him and now she is like a mother to him. Please do yourself a favor and check out the link for this story. It will touch your heart and your soul.

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