Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Eat Fresh ? (did the price of onions go up?)

Have you noticed lately at subway ... the way they are skimping on the STUFF!!!!!!!
The last few times I went to Subway (eat fresh) they really skimped. I let it pass one time. Then I had one of their "breakfast" sandwiches. I let that pass to, but I shouldn't have.
I asked for the sandwich. She asked me what kind of egg? I had a 3 second blank - well blank stare mind ....uh ...I said regular egg (I should have said GOOSE!).
Well she takes out this huge sheet of egg. I am hungry so the sight of that made me happy. Then she (oh - she is the person behind the counter at subway) proceeds to surgically rip apart my egg. I am left with not even enough egg to cover the English muffin. So I let it pass. I say I want cheese. I get 1 triangle. I need tomato - one small slice! I say I want purple onion. She takes some onion out of the onion tray and breaks it apart. More onion fell on the board (that would later be thrown away) than what would land on my sandwich. I get like 3 small pieces of onion. Again I didn't say anything. I should have, The thing didn't even taste that good.
The other day, I forgot my lunch at home - or I was too lazy to put it together - I don't remember. so I went to subway. I order my sandwich. She (the clerk) puts a whole lot of turkey on it. My first thought was "They NEVER put that much meat on a sandwich - has this stuff gone bad?????). Then we proceed to the fixins.....With everything I asked for - I had to say "MORE PLEASE!" and every time I asked for just a little more - I got the look - not the bad look but a look like - Why is this dude asking me for more.......Anyway - that was my last
subway trip for awhile. The bread was dry and fell apart. If I wanted hard bread I would have had the thing toasted.
As I drove back to my office to get back to the grind I thought .....
there could only be a couple of explanations to why they have been skimping......
1- the price of produce has gone WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY up.....
2- Jarred re-upped his contract and is charging Subway more for his acting skills.

and - one last can lose weight by eating Subway - Why? Because they don't put anything on the sandwich.....

Yehaw, Quiznos here I come.

for the record....I have always enjoyed Quiznos better anyway.

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