Thursday, December 31, 2009


One of my customers told me this morning that by the time the world ends, we will all be old and be dependent on pills.
You know I have had this conversation before - sort of similar anyway.
I have had the "depressing world" conversation with many types of people and in many different forms.
Some say "God is the pill. He is all you need."
Some say "Even Christians need medical assistance sometimes."
Some say "We are all depressed and we need something."
I say "blah blah blah."

After the brief conversation this morning I thought about things. The human frailty is what really drives us. When your happy and everything is going good, then you are probably positive.
When they crap is all around you and you see no end. You will probably feel depressed.
From the Christan view, we should always be happy and have faith that God will see us through. We should thank God for all things good and bad because it is in His plan. Hey, I have even said this publicly.

But, sometime, when the crap is all around and you know the truth, it is still extremely hard to overcome it.

I have been where I am at - at this very moment of typing this - several times. And every time, I have come out of the dark and into the light.

But, sorry to say that in this moment - the moment sucks!
And I do know the truth. But again, the moment sucks! The moment smells! The moment is almost enough to buy into the first statement on the crappy post. That maybe we really do need certain "happy" pills to cope, to get by, to survive!

Practice what we preach is a statement I hear often. I tell myself I need to practice what I preach.

I just had another thought - If we all practice what we preach, we wouldn't need to preach.

So today - in this moment - I am depressed!

Hopefully the light will come on and maybe - just maybe - a happier - more positive post will come in the future.


1 comment:

  1. Hey cuz - it was great seeing you last week, but I'm sorry we didn't have a chance to talk. I hope things start looking up for you soon.
