Wednesday, October 14, 2009

no Wednesday Quote...but Yes...King Cobra

I am sitting at home (waiting on the A/C guy to tell me what the deal is with our unit) working. Yes, I am working. I am not playing on the computer.
I had a great Wednesday quote from O Henry, but it is on my desk at the office.
SO I will give you the King Cobra blog instead.

King Cobra

I am talking about the SNAKE. Not the Malt liquor or the band. The snake.
The other day I was trying to wrap up my research for Wade’s Top 100 Songs of all time and I came to the band King Cobra. I remember sometime in the 80’s that this Hard Rock band had one song I liked. I had the tune stuck in my head but couldn’t remember the song title.
In my research I searched King Cobra. Obvious to more and me then – so now – I knew I would have to dig. Searching for King Cobra: you get tons of sites for the snake.
I don’t care for snakes. Although my favorite place to go to at the zoo is the snake house. A place that I fondly remember from my youth was the Snake Farm. And I don’t mind seeing a king snake in my back yard (although at first the site of one startles me – I mean, I see snake then once I determine it is ok, it doesn’t bother me).
When I typed in King Cobra, my eye immediately went to the You Tube sites for the snake.
They had some wild stuff on there.
Here is my favorite.

here is another cool one

1 comment:

  1. Not many ppl appreciate snakes and how truly fascinating they are - so nice to see a pro-snake post :D

    King Cobra is the daddy of all snakes in my opinion, Ophiophagus literally translating as snake-eater lets ya know their not to be messed with !
