Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

Driving over to Gonzales to baby sit Hayden today, we had NPR on the radio. An array of topics were discussed but one of those was a short piece on Memorial Day. It said that many people don't fully understand why we actually observe this holiday. Actually it only became a federal holiday in 1967. This is an important day where we remember those who died for our country in any and all wars. As you go about today. Let's do this: 1- remember those soldiers who died fighting for our country. 2- remember their families. 3- pray for all of our military abroad and those who are serving stateside. Those men and women should be honored everyday. 4- not just on Memorial day, but every day we should remember our trips who died and those fighting the harsh battles today. 5- while we are at it don't forget the police force and firemen who risk their lives everyday. 6- make sure your kids know about this holiday and why we observe it. So if you are grilling today or just chilling today. Working or not. Raise a glass, a cup, a rib or a piece of chicken to those who fight for our country and our streets everyday. And remember those who lost their lives doing so.
I tried to find the link for that segment but couldn't. But I did come across the web site below.

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