Sunday, December 30, 2012


At our Christmas Eve Christmas party this year, we played THAT game. You know the one, the “steal the gift” game, the “gag gift” game, “the elephant gift” game. This year we had the party at my sister's house. I had asked her prior to the party, if we were going to play that game or was it my imagination (I wasn’t sure if I heard talk about it). She said yes.

Then I totally forgot to tell my wife so we didn't bring gag gifts. My sister, being ever prepared, had extra. So I played. And I came away with a remarkable gift.

FARTS IN THE WILD, a spotter’s guide by H.W. Smeldit (I’m not making this stuff up) – Illustrated by Jared Chapman.

This book is fascinating. It is very scientific. It is – simply – a book about animal flatulation.


It starts with Fart Basics. “All fartologists know the basic rule of farting. If it eats … sooner or later, it farts.”  The book goes on to say, “When animals … eat, we swallow air along with our food. Air is made up of gases, mostly oxygen. As we digest and the bacteria in our guts break down that food, the gases produce more gas. In fact, digestion can produce so many different gases you’d practically need a notebook to keep track of them all: nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, methane, dimethyl sulfide, and more.” The book goes on to say, “This stew of gases eventually works its way out …..”

You get the picture.

The book tells us about 10 different animal farts and gives examples.

The attached video gives us a few.


So, if you are still reading ……..

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